How Long Does It Take To Get Better?

A common question that I get asked is, “Can one visit cure me?” And the answer is, it depends. If you have a simple kink in your neck from sleeping weird the night before, yes, it often can. Other things, though, often come back because of the things that...

Are You Green, Or Even Super Green?

From all of us, happy St. Patrick’s Day. We hope you’re wearing some green today. If you don’t find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, we have something here for you that is even more valuable. It’s your health. If you’re...

Tell Us What You Think!

Online reviews are huge for small businesses such as ours, as it gives potential clients or patients, in our case, a great way of understanding what type of services we offer and the results we get and other patients experiences with us. So, if you could take two...

Sitting Is The New Smoking?

You’ve probably heard the phrase that sitting is the new smoking, but what exactly does that mean? If you have a desk job or any other job or activity that requires a lot of sitting, schedule a consultation with me. I can explain to you the dangers of sitting...

Athsma And Chiropractic

Dr. Hartwig here again at Marcum Chiropractic in North Portland. Asthma is a very common condition in the United States, especially here in Portland. We have a lot of allergens here, including mold, mildew, and seasonal allergies, especially in the spring. Did you...

Frequent Headaches? Let’s Talk!

Dr. Hartwig here again at Marcum Chiropractic in North Portland. Do you suffer from frequent headaches? There may be an underlying cause that’s not being addressed properly. Schedule a consultation with me and we can get to the bottom of what’s causing...
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