Say Goodbye to Pain

Sitting too much and excessive computer use often leads to mid-back pain between the shoulder blades. Three simple things to avoid this include: Change your position- don’t stay in the same position for more than 20 minutes. Get adjusted regularly- frequency...

Morning Shoulder Pain?

If you wake up with pain in your shoulders it may be because you’re sleeping on your side. Sleeping on either side puts a lot of pressure on the shoulder that’s on the bed.  The other shoulder often has excess strain on it as the arm hangs in front of or...

My Problem is Where?

Many times shoulder pain is caused by an injury or problem in the neck. The problem can originate in the joints, connective tissue, muscles, and/or nerves of the neck and refer pain into the shoulder(s). If you have shoulder pain, make sure you have your neck...

More Than Just Whiplash

Most people are well aware of the whiplash phenomenon that occurs during most car accidents.  This leads to neck pain, headaches, concussions, and many more injuries.  In addition to whiplash, one of the most commonly injured body parts from a car accident is the...

Knot in Your Back?

Following a violent sneeze or cough people often complain about pain under one or both of their shoulder blades.  The pain is usually due to dysfunction of where the rib meets the spine.  When the rib “pops out of joint” the surrounding muscles go into...

Ball and Socket

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body.  The range-of-motion of the joint is remarkable, but it can come at a cost.  The joint is often injured because people try to make it “go” further than what it is meant to.  As with all joints of the body,...
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