Proper Lifting

When lifting anything, regardless of the weight, be sure to keep the object as close to your body as possible. The further the object is from your body, the more likely you are to injure your back. Also, bend your knees and lift with your legs, not just your back. One...

Pulling Weeds?

Spring is almost here and in Portland that means gardens!  When prepping your garden please be sure to use a tool to help remove weeds and unwanted debris from the garden. Pulling stubborn weeds, roots, and vines is a very common way in which people injure their low...

Take a Stand for Your Health!

One of the best things we can all do to prevent mid-back pain is to use a standing desk while using a computer. Sitting excessively leads to slouching, which will put strain on the muscles and ligaments of the thoracic and lumbar spine. This strain causes pain and...

Money Issues?

A 2020 study in the medical journal Spine showed that there is a strong association between financial worry and chronic spinal pain. The pain noted was both neck and low back pain. This study is very timely seeing that we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and...

We Can Help!

Severe low back pain will affect approximately 80% of Americans at some point during their life.  If/when you experience low back pain you have two options: 1) take some pain-killers and hope it goes away or 2) take charge of your health and get better.  Option 2...

Don’t Wait Any Longer!

Low back pain is likely to affect 80% of the population at some point.  When your number is called, do NOT delay in getting treatment.  Chiropractic adjustments in conjunction with stretching techniques and pain-free physiotherapies such as ultrasound can eliminate...
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