by Todd Hartwig | Mar 12, 2025 | Low Back Pain, Neck Pain / Headaches
The four main conditions that we see on a regular basis here are neck pain, headaches, low back pain, and general muscle or joint pain and stiffness. If any of these four conditions kind of resonate with you and bother you on a regular or frequent basis, schedule a...
by Todd Hartwig | Dec 18, 2024 | Low Back Pain
Dr. Hartwig here again at Marcum Chiropractic in North Portland. Back pain is the second leading cause of people missing work here in the US, just behind the common cold or flu. If you have back pain, get adjusted. If you want to not have back pain in the first place,...
by Todd Hartwig | Nov 21, 2024 | Low Back Pain, Marcum Chiropractic
Your feet may seem far removed from your spine, but they play a significant role in your spinal health. Schedule a consultation with me, and I can show you how proper foot care and chiropractic treatment can alleviate your back pain. Call or schedule online....
by Todd Hartwig | Oct 17, 2024 | Low Back Pain, Marcum Chiropractic, Neck Pain / Headaches
Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident, been injured at work, slept wrong and have a kink in your neck, have headaches, or maybe suffered an injury as a weekend warrior, we can help you. We’ve helped thousands of patients over the years and know how...
by Todd Hartwig | Oct 3, 2024 | Low Back Pain, Marcum Chiropractic
A common cause of chronic back pain is a muscle imbalance, with the stronger muscles on the front side of our body being stronger than those of the back. One of the main things that I do with my patients is to show them some very simple exercises for strengthening...
by Todd Hartwig | Sep 25, 2024 | Chiropractic, Low Back Pain
Back pain and neck pain are the primary things that we see here, but we do help people with many other types of ailments. This can include things such as… Arthritis Bursitis Asthma Plantar Fasciitis Rotator cuff injuries Pinched nerves And many, many other...