Kick Foot Pain Out of Your Life!

The human foot has 26 bones and 33 joints, dozens of muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  It’s estimated that your feet will hit the ground over 200 million times by way of walking and running. Like other complex systems, the foot often has issues that need...

Top to Bottom!

Chiropractic treatment has helped millions with neck and back pain. Did you know that it can also help with many foot, ankle, and knee problems, too?  In fact, many back and neck problems result from issues in the feet or knees.  If the “downstream”...

Foundation Problems?

Problems in the knees and feet can and often will lead to back pain.  The low back is the “great compensator” of the body and will bend in ways it shouldn’t in order to accommodate for issues in the lower extremities.  Without addressing the lower...

Take Care Down There!

Knee and foot problems can lead to back and neck pain. Wearing proper footwear and fixing issues in your feet and knees can be one of the most helpful things you can do to prevent back pain. Chiropractic care can address many of these lower extremity issues and keep...

Start From the Ground Up!

Everything needs a good foundation or base in order to succeed.  This is especially true for our bodies.  Fully functioning feet will allow for everything above to work properly!  Chiropractic care for your feet can help eliminate low back pain and even headaches! ...

You Need a Good Foundation

Problems with the feet will lead to problems in the leg and spine.  In fact, foot problems have been known to actually cause headaches!  Our feet endure a lot of stress every day and need to be taken care of just like the other parts of our body.  Massage and...
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