Banish Headaches!

Many headaches are caused by poor posture. Marcum Chiropractic’s Dr. Todd Hartwig is a biomechanics expert with years of experience eliminating peoples’ headaches. He will instruct you on proper ergonomics and posture and give you the tools you need to strengthen...

No More Headaches!

If you suffer from regular headaches, Marcum Chiropractic is what you need.  The team at Marcum Chiropractic will show you what is causing your headaches and more importantly, help you get rid of them!  The treatments provided will give you relief and the...

Many of the common aches and pains people experience on a daily basis are due to poor posture. Did you just sit up straighter after reading that last sentence?—Sitting and standing with poor posture are a major source of what many people refer to as “normal...

Make Headaches a Thing of the Past!

Headaches can ruin everything. Good thing chiropractic adjustments are so great at getting rid of headaches! At Marcum Chiropractic, Dr. Todd J. Hartwig has years of experience helping people eliminate headaches from their lives. With the use of chiropractic...

Is it Really a Migraine?

It is vital to properly diagnose the specific type of headache a person has in order to give appropriate treatment. Just because you have a very painful headache does not make it a migraine headache. An actual migraine headache will have pain and with it visual...

Migraines No More!

Migraine headaches are often caused by a “trigger” that a person recently experienced. These triggers can include eating certain foods, drinking wine, exposure to specific smells or lighting and many more. Doctor Todd J. Hartwig can assist you in determining your...
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