Quite Simple Actually…

Three basic steps to health:   Eat well (yes, that means vegetables!) Exercise (at least 30 minutes, 4 days/week) Get adjusted (it will prevent MANY injuries)   For nutritional advice, exercise recommendations and to get adjusted call Marcum Chiropractic at...

Don’t Just Sit There!

With summer upon us many of us will take to the roads, rails or sky for an adventure or two.  While traveling is exciting and fun, the long rides can be tough.  While in the car, plane or train, be sure to move as much as possible.  Make frequent stops (if driving)...

“X” Marks the Spot?

The human body is a mysterious being sometimes. For example; shoulder pain could be coming from your bicep- leg pain from your lower back- wrist pain from tight muscles in your forearm. These are only a few of the many examples that illustrate the importance of being...

Pain in the…Leg?

If you have pain or tingling in one or both of your legs it may be due to sciatica. Sciatica is caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve which results in discomfort at that point and potentially anywhere further down the leg. Through chiropractic adjustments and...

First Choice

A recent study in the medical journal Spine found a strong association between chiropractic treatment and the avoidance of lumbar spine surgery.  In this study, only 1.5 percent of those who were treated by a chiropractor first (versus a surgeon) ended up having...
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