Don’t Do It!

According to a recent Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study, “distraction” is the leading cause of lane-drift crashes.  This includes being distracted by other passengers, using cell phones and eating while driving.  Although all distractions cannot be avoided...

Minimize Your Risk

Most auto accidents are caused by the driver being distracted.  Currently, cell phones are the most distracting thing, but there are countless others.  Having a conversation with someone either on the phone or with another passenger while driving significantly raises...

Debunking a Common Myth

Many people connect the amount of vehicle damage to the likelihood and/or severity of occupants being injured.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  When vehicles get damaged, the body/frame/etc. crumple and absorb a lot of the energy that would otherwise be...

How Fast Can You React?

Everyone living in Portland knows the traffic here is getting worse every day.  When the number of vehicles on the road go up, drive times increase and distance between vehicles decreases.  This leads to less time to react to a vehicle stopping suddenly in front of...

Take Care of Your Neck!

The neck is the most frequently injured part of the body during a motor vehicle collision.  Why? The reason is because our necks are not strong enough to resist the force of the head moving very quickly after being hit.  This results in the muscles frequently get...

ET phoned home…but not in his car!

Results from a recent Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study reveals a startling statistic: manipulating a cellphone while driving is the most regularly occurring distracting behavior and increases the odds of a collision 5 fold!  The IIHS study also...
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