by Todd Hartwig | May 21, 2020 | Auto Accidents
As we slowly transition back to our new normal following the upheaval of life due to COVID-19 traffic continues to thicken. Many people are used to clearer roads and faster speeds but others are not. This may lead to some very dangerous situations on our roads and...
by Todd Hartwig | Apr 2, 2020 | Auto Accidents
Although our lives are completely turned upside down currently with the COVID-19 outbreak people are still getting injured. If you do suffer an injury, give us a call. Marcum Chiropractic’s Dr. Hartwig is an essential provider and is here for you if...
by Todd Hartwig | Feb 24, 2020 | Auto Accidents
It is a myth that vehicles must be traveling at a minimum speed in order to cause an injury to the occupants inside the vehicle. There is no minimum speed threshold that must be attained in order to cause injury. In fact, there have been many collisions where a...
by Todd Hartwig | Feb 19, 2020 | Auto Accidents
If you’ve been injured in an auto accident please do not wait to get treatment. The sooner you start treatment the better your prognosis will be. Waiting will only prolong the time needed to heal and significantly increases the chance of your injury becoming a...
by Todd Hartwig | Dec 12, 2019 | Auto Accidents
Many of our patients are surprised and sometimes scared to find out that symptoms following a car accident don’t peak until 12-15 days after the wreck. This delay in the onset of certain symptoms will often lead to people thinking there is something more than...
by Todd Hartwig | Jun 6, 2019 | Auto Accidents
Modern research has shown that with most musculoskeletal injuries the sooner normal movements and activities can occur the better the prognosis. This was not always the standard of care. Let me give you an example… Not very long ago it was normal for someone...