by Todd Hartwig | Sep 25, 2024 | Chiropractic, Low Back Pain
Back pain and neck pain are the primary things that we see here, but we do help people with many other types of ailments. This can include things such as… Arthritis Bursitis Asthma Plantar Fasciitis Rotator cuff injuries Pinched nerves And many, many other...
by Todd Hartwig | Sep 18, 2024 | Chiropractic, Low Back Pain
Cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF, is a specialized fluid in our body that surrounds our brain and spinal cord. The two major functions of this fluid are to protect the brain and to supply the central nervous system with nutrients, glucose, and the like, to help it function...
by Todd Hartwig | Sep 11, 2024 | Posture
Dr. Hartwig here again at Marcum Chiropractic in North Portland. A recent social media post by Harvard Health stated that slouching not only causes bad posture, sloppy appearance, and other things, it also leads to fatigue. So, if you’re feeling tired or run...
by Todd Hartwig | Sep 6, 2024 | Chiropractic
The most recent edition of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter just came out, and in it, they study the benefits of chiropractic adjustments to help people with sacroiliac pain. The sacroiliac joints, or the SI joints, are the lowermost joints in the spine, where your...
by Todd Hartwig | Sep 4, 2024 | Chiropractic
Dr. Hartwig here at Marcum Chiropractic. A wise man once said, “if you don’t schedule a break for your body, your body will take one for you, and it probably won’t be at a convenient time.” What your body is actually telling you is it needs...