Tortoise or the Hare?

People are driving more and car accidents are on the uptick.  There’s no denying that the faster a vehicle is traveling, the chance for more serious injury increases.  Excessive speed was found to be the cause of Tiger Wood’s recent accident and countless...

Just a Hunch?

Phones and computers are leading to poor posture in more and more people. What can we do about this? Here are three simple steps to take to prevent postural problems that can plague you for the rest of your life. Step 1:  Step away from the phone! Step 2:  Get...

Just a Strain?

An injury to your spine might be a pulled muscle. It might be more than that, too. Sometimes, especially when injured while lifting, the discs between the vertebrae are injured. There are many types of injuries that can happen to the discs, and some can be very...

Judge a Book by its Cover?

Many people think they can predict the likelihood of people getting injured in a car accident by the amount of vehicle damage that occurs. Nothing could be further from the truth! When a vehicle gets damaged in a crash, the body/frame/etc. crumples and absorbs a lot...

Pulling Weeds?

Spring is almost here and in Portland that means gardens!  When prepping your garden please be sure to use a tool to help remove weeds and unwanted debris from the garden. Pulling stubborn weeds, roots, and vines is a very common way in which people injure their low...
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