You Mean it Rains in Portland?!?

The change in weather means a change in driving conditions. While Oregonians are generally used to driving in the rain, things have been a little different this year. This past weekend was our first significant rainfall since January! Unfortunately, that means the...

Proper Lifting

When lifting anything, regardless of the weight, be sure to keep the object as close to your body as possible. The further the object is from your body, the more likely you are to injure your back. Also, bend your knees and lift with your legs, not just your back. One...

No Excedrin Needed!

Tight muscles and stiff neck joints from excessive phone/computer use is a leading cause of headaches. Thankfully, both of these problems can be taken care of by the wonderful staff at Marcum Chiropractic. Massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic treatments are...

Mayo Clinic Promotes Massage Therapy

In the most recent edition of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, the benefits of massage therapy are discussed. Massage has been proven to effectively reduce stress, pain, and muscle tension.  Research has shown massage releases endorphins which act as the body’s natural...

Holiday Weekend Fun

This weekend is Labor Day Weekend, the unofficial end of summer.  Have fun and be safe!  Always buckle up and PLEASE don’t drive if you enjoy some adult beverages. Marcum Chiropractic is closed on Labor Day but will return the following day.  See you all...
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