Dr. Hartwig here at Marcum Chiropractic in North Portland. If you can get out for a long bike ride or a long run, or go to the gym for two hours and use all the machines, that’s awesome. But, sometimes it’s impractical. So, on those days when you don’t have the time, if you can get out at lunchtime for a 15 minute walk, that’s great. Or, do five minutes of yoga in the morning when you wake up. A little something like that is better than nothing.

Again, the key with the musculoskeletal system is to keep moving. You want to maintain range of motion. Weight bearing exercises are wonderful. So, a little bit is better than nothing.

I encourage you to get out there, keep moving, and we’re here to help you move with adjustments, massage, acupuncture, and hopefully a lot of education to keep your body moving.

For more information, check out our blog and we look forward to seeing you soon.

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